Use the Link ABOVE to Make a Donation to support this Action.
The effect of increased land lease rates, building rent and property taxes is devastating to small GA and insignificant to the airport budget.
40 ft. hangar rent 2020 $720 2021 $1,530 per mo.
Jay's Property Tax Valuation 2020 $3.80 2021 $11.86 per sq. ft.
ACI Property Tax Valuation 2020 $5.16 2021 $30.17 per sq. ft.
The Request to the Supervisors:
- Reduce T-Hangar Building Rent from $8.16 to $4.08/sq. ft.
- Reduce Property Tax Assessed Value to 2020 valuation plus CPI adjustment
- Reduce Eastside Green Area Land Lease Rate from $1.77 to $1.25/sq. ft.
- Change the Small GA Definition to be compliant with the FAA Definition
- The Green Area Small GA Definition does not comply with the FAA Definition.
- The FAA definition of small GA is "wingspan under 49 feet AND under 12,500 lbs"
- The GAIP definition of small GA is "wingspan under 49 feet OR under 12,500 lbs"
- This allows Large Corporate Jets to fall under the GAIP "Small GA" definition.
We are asking for donations from KSNA Hangar and TieDown Tenants to support several actions to reverse these significant impacts on KSNA Pilots.
What is SoCal Pilots doing about it !:
SoCal Pilot Members and directors have been discussing these issues with the Supervisors, Airport officials and other politically connected individuals for months. We have developed a plan of action to encourage the supervisors to address this issue.
Our plan includes :
- Continued discussions with the Supervisors
- Contact FAA to start Title 14 Code of Federal Regulations Part 16 action
- Support a Class Action proceeding similar to the Dana Point Habor class action
- File an Amicus curiae brief (Friend of the Court briefing)
- Political Action committees working to support Pilot Friendly initiatives.
Next Steps:
Signup for this Event to Make a Donation to support this Action.
We are at the stage where we need to file the FAA Part 16 complaint. Barbara Lichtman (aviation attorney) and Craig Ryan want SoCal Pilots to be the complaining party, as the OC Supervisors know our group as an advocate for GA at SNA. The estimate is that it will cost $16,000 for this complaint.
We are looking to solicit donations from our members with Hangars or Tiedown spots at KSNA to support this action. We are recommending $500-1,000 for Hangar Tenants and $250-500 for Tie-Down Tenants. We will refund unused funds pro-rata to donation amounts if funds are not used.
How Much should I Donate to the cause:
Hangar Rents have Doubled !, Tiedown Rates have Tripled ! Property Taxes have gone up as much as 585%
A successful out come to this action could save you over $5000/year. We ask you to donate all you can, but the following are our recommendations.
We are asking Hangar Tenants to donate $500-1000 and Tiedown Tenants to Donate $250-500. We also ask SoCal Pilots members to donate $100 as this has an impact on ALL pilots as it has stretched resources thin at all local airports. Our concern also is that other airports will follow what KSNA has done.